Aromatherapy Lotion


The age-old practice of using essential oils to treat called Aromatherapy. The term comes from the Greek root-word ‘fragrance’ which means pleasant smell. These essential oils are extracted from tree barks, plants and flowers and then change the oil that can be used to treat various ailments. So Aromatherapy is well known for providing relief for various skin irritations and emotional stress related ailments.

At the beginning of Modern Aromatherapy in the early 1900s, Aromatherapy is carried out with a variety of skin care products such as creams and lotions. Aromatherapy Lotion is the most popular product that provides an enhancement of skin and skin care. Designed to enhance the natural beauty of the skin, are aromatherapy lotion infused with essential oils like lavender, jasmine and vanilla, which not only increases the skin glow but also promotes regeneration of old skin cells. With this specific purpose, aromatherapy lotions are said to promote age-less skin by delaying tell-tale signs of old age like wrinkles and cellulite.

A careful selection of essential oils and complex mixtures aromatherapy lotions and creams are made of different aromatherapy body care product lines. The recommended they are infused with Shea Butter is widely used by pregnant women and those who have recently given birth.

When I was pregnant with my first born, I made it a point to use Shea Butter Cream on my thighs and stomach area to avoid the appearance of stretch marks expect. I also practiced daily routine to apply your favorite lavender-scented fragrance cream mine.

trip to the gynecologist’s revealed that the use of aromatherapy products in my pregnancy and after birth proved to be beneficial and safe for both mother and newborn. This is because aromatherapy lotions are enriched with vitamins and minerals to revitalize, soothe and moisturize the skin. With beautiful smell that accompanies this moisturizers, they also promote good sleep, relaxation and wonderful experience bathing and grooming.

lavender-scented aromatherapy cream is best known for helping to get a good night’s sleep. When we are tired and our nerves are sensitive, applying lavender fragrance lotion at bedtime will help ease our nerves and relieve stress our. Lavender is also noted to treat digestive ailments and restlessness. Because calming, soothing and anti-convulsive effects, the scent of lavender signals our brain to secrete hormones relaxing. In addition, lavender scent aromatherapy cream is also noted to cure skin ailments such as eczema, acne and itching. As such, it helps decrease the formation of stretch marks and cellulite on areas such as the thighs, buttocks and stomach.

Later in the period my pregnancy, I learned from a spokesman for aromatherapy, the continued use of lavender aromatherapy oil and / or cream helps ease delivery pain and promote faster healing. It was also a good antiseptic and disinfectant that significantly helped keep infections at bay.

good number of home hold aromatherapy lotions, creams and oils stored for useful, positive and versatile their purpose. If you want something organic and home-made, a number of sites have also been set up to provide information to create home-made cream, which makes use of the base oil like jojoba, olive and even popular in the tropics, virgin coconut oil. These base oils have very little aroma their own and not mask not smell caused by essential oil.

Look into aromatherapist for the best kind of aromatherapy lotion that you can use and discover the many benefits of aromatherapy.
