Aromatic Diffusers – The Best Way to Enjoy Aromatherapy


An aromatherapy diffuser is healthy and natural alternative to synthetic air-freshener. Wonderful and relaxing feeling of the rich and light fragrance oils permeating the air and relax the senses is second to none. As fragrant molecules are dispersed in the air, they are inhaled through the nose and into the bloodstream, creating a positive effect on the mind and body. Purity of essential oils has a soothing, refreshing and stimulating effect on your mood. An aromatherapy diffuser can be used as a natural air freshener in the home as well as your car.

essential oils have properties that can be of use to a variety of people. Lavender oil and rose when added to the water while bathing can have a pleasant and invigorating feeling. There are certain essential oils such as tea tree oil is used to cure the common cold while eucalyptus is used in the nose.

there are certain essential oils are ideal to cure depression and insomnia.

flow is done with the help of essential oil burner. You can take a few drops of pure essential oils and diluting it in a basin of water. You can then heat it with the help of the burner or the tea light. It is also possible to simply add the oil in a bowl of boiling water. The heat generated can be used to disperse fragrance into the room. You can also use aromatherapy candles to freshen up and fill the room with a pleasant aroma. Tungsten rings and other components that use electric heat are other types of aromatherapy diffusers that use heat.

can also use electric or battery operated fan diffuser works by blowing air over a tray of oil. The fan diffuser has features to evaporate and spread the scent of essential oils directly into the air. It has built asset is reduced and unpleasant and toxic odors that cause allergies. You can be sure of good health and a renewed sense of vigor through the miracle aromatherapy.

aromatherapists recommend the use of a nebulizer, a special aroma diffuser which is one of the best ways to spread the aroma. It breaks down the oils in a variety of molecules that makes it easy for the lungs oral fragrance. A few drops of oil added to the clay pot is cheaper and successful way to distribute aromatherapy oil, because the air can escape and spread through the porous surface of the clay pot and fill the room with scintillating fragrance.


Can Aromatherapy Essential Oils Fight a Vera?


Can aromatherapy really fight the virus? The quick answer is, Yes! However, research in this area has largely been done in Europe and is not well known or understood in the US

The traditional American medical community has, for the most part, ignore such research. It seems to be more interested in Europe in the development of natural alternatives to synthetic drugs or medication, and a number of patents have been filed since the virus preparations are based on essential oils.

Indeed, commercial products based on essential oils have been available in European markets for decades.

It is “necessary” to oils intended for therapeutic use obtained in pure form in order to active substances to be present. Poor edible oils, such as those mass produced simply to achieve certain fragrances, are probably completely ineffective against any viral or bacterial organisms. Thus, it is important if one wants to achieve a therapeutic effect, to ensure high quality oil is purchased.

Some of the conditions that have been reported oils to be effective include Herpes simplex (cold sores), herpes zoster (shingles), human rhinovirus Type II (a “common” cold), viral hepatitis, Newcastle disease, mumps, some strains of flu, viral enteritis, enterocolitis, neuritis, cowpox, polio, and even HIV-1, according to some sources.

Fighting disease with essential oils is not a new concept. In fact, around the world and through the ages, people depended solely on such preparations to do so. Experts, now known as aromatherapists, were considered cured of times, and because these treatments worked, were considered more highly than any other health or methods that existed at the time.

As recently as 1980, Dr. Jean Valnera, a French surgeon, is said to have treated cases of shingles and flu, with a combination of certain essential oils included pine, thyme and lemon oil. These oils are still in use today in clinical aromatherapy in order to fight certain viruses.

Although aromatherapy and clinical applications are still largely criticized by mainstream medicine, the European scientific community has enthusiastically embraced research into the characteristics and use of essential oils.


Essential oils – Penny Royal – A Very Old Oil with a bad reputation


Penny Royal (Mentha pulegium) is in the mint family of botanical plants. The oil is obtained through steam distillation of fresh or dried herbs. The British model of aromatherapy has described this plant attack so I wanted to examine it to see if it has some redeeming qualities. Penny Royal is a perennial herb that grows up to 20 inches high. It has a smooth round stems, small pale purple flowers and very aromatic oval leaves and fibrous roots reptiles. The plant is found in moist, low coastal areas along the Mediterranean Sea, and grows best in fertile, moist soil with partial shade (14.1-8). American Penny Royal grows in dry, sandy soil and is commercially grown only very limited degree. Pennyroyal essential oil has a scent very similar Peppermint. Users should expect it to be sweet and herbaceous.

Traditionally Pennyroyal was believed to purify the blood and be able to send qualities of water. Penny Royal water was distilled from the leaves and given as an antidote spasmodic, nervous and hysterical affections. This plant gets a bad reputation from the fact that it has been used for centuries to get rid of unwanted pregnancy.

Is Penny Royal acceptable to use today?

Penny Royal is still current in British Herbal Pharmacopoeia for gas and indigestion, intestinal colic, colds, delayed menstruation, skin rash, and gout. The essential oils can be toxic, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, stimulation, and seizures. Penny Royal pharmacologically causes sweating and increase in menstrual flow has been used to cause abortion. The plant has been used as an insect repellent against fleas and other pests. Plants and oil can cause contact dermatitis. As for safety, this writer is not recommended Penny Royal, but I thought you should know about their actions. Pennyroyal oil is toxic, is abortion, and even small amounts can cause acute liver and lung damage. Now I see why it is not recommended for aromatherapy.

Want to know more about essential oils and how they can help us to be healthy? Consider becoming a certified clinical aromatherapist. The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy teaches courses throughout the United States on aromatherapy and energy healing.


Aromatherapy for stress and anxiety


corresponds to the change in time the world is also changing at a fast pace. Now life has become busy & full of stress or it can be termed as the age of “stress”. What can we do to help us keep unstressed and maintain balance in this busy world around us? What is stress? Stress, now can be considered a normal part of life, can be a positive experience creating excitement, increased energy, clarity of thought and creativity. When we think of the word stress but generally created our mind is the term used to describe negative emotions or feelings of anxiety or tension in situations that are overwhelming and difficult to deal with. When we are under stress we do not need to say that it shows in our faces. But faced with a stressful situation we can either cope up with it or succumb to pressure.

How Can Aromatherapy Help with Stress?

Aromatherapy is a naturalistic treatment with essential oils from plants to balance the body, mind and spirit that is considered to be holy by older people. If used properly oils can balance the emotions and uplift the spirit. Psychotherapeutic effects and physiological effects are the result of young living essential oils on the body. Aromatherapy can help a lot of stress management through a direct relationship to the limbic and autonomic system. The main control center for the autonomic nervous system is the hypothalamus that control over semjutaugafrumumog parasympathetic divisions which activate the “fight or flight” adrenaline production. As we inhale the essential oils, there is a direct link to the limbic system of the brain through the olfactory nerve. This leads to activate the secretion of neurotransmitters such as serotonin or encephalins to relax or lift the spirit. These essential oils are ideal for stress management and they are: Neroli, Rose and Jasmine. Citrus oils such as bergamot, mandarin, and lemon uplift the spirit, and clary sage and geranium are excellent for balancing the hormones. Thus, these natural substances are components of essential oils which are therefore good for our health and have no side effects. Aromatherapy massage is also considered to be an integral part of stress management program. This massage relaxes our mind, body and also provides us with a lot of energy. Aromatherapy is the ultimate in relaxation and de-emphasis.

Aromatherapy anxiety

The causes of anxiety are unlimited. Fear of the unknown thing and worry can cause, such as coming to mind to go back to school or starting school, whether kindergarten or all the way to university; transfer; stressful events at home or work. Health concerns can cause tension and disrupt sleep. Panic attacks may also be the result of individual anxiety. Panic attacks are usually where you can find the chest tightening and the heartbeat quicken, and breathing can be affected. But it should always be remembered that these attacks can also be extreme. Chronic anxiety though can weaken the immune system so that you open more and more susceptible to disease and the best way to prevent anxiety is trying to change the things that give you stress. This is not always possible, but try to make the next things less stressful is always possible. You can prepare mentally for uncertainties and strengthen the emotional stamina with the help of essential oils that allows you to have total relaxation. In times of stress, you should give rest to the nerves by giving rest to the whole body for someone. This relaxation can be completely using essential oils.

Essential oils that are known to reduce anxiety include benzoin, bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Coriander, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli, Rose, rosewood, vetiver and Ylang Ylang.

Try this quick and easy Anxiety blend to help relieve anxiety attack. Mix the following in small glass bottles and mix. Inhale directly from the bottle to prevent or reduce attacks

Neroli -. 3 drops benzoin – 2 drops Geranium -2 drops Rosewood – 2 drops ylang ylang – 2 drops Frankincense – 1 drop Rose oil – 1 drop

anxiety BLEND (use a diffuser)

Clary Sage – 15 drops Bergamot – 10 drops geranium – 10 drops chamomile – 8 drops Marjoram – 8 drops ylang ylang -. 5 drops of amber glass

Add some essential oil diffuser or smell of price reductions applied to a cotton ball. Some will carry a small amount in a small bottle to sniff directly from the bottle.


Essential Oils – The Legal Pitfalls Making false claims, diagnosis or prescribing


For many just discovering tremendous healing power of essential oils, there is a temptation to want to tell the whole world about the new discovery. Not only to share this information, but they also want to put oil on just about everyone in their path. Here is the first red flag. Be careful not to make false claims about these healing oils and do not diagnose the problem and recommend some natural healing materials such as essential oils. It is forbidden by law to make false “disease claims” on essential oils, herbs, or supplements. Neither can “analyze” or “recommend” that are medical terms that apply only for those individuals who are authorized to identify and measure. As an expert, you may be legally liable. What is a false claim? Here are some examples of “disease claims:” The essential oils-

o cure cancer

o To reduce the symptoms of cold, flu and sore throat

o Anti -tumoral

o Anti-virus

o Anti-bacterial

o help control prostate enlargement

o renews healthy intestinal flora

or antidepressants

o Anti-inflammatory

o Anti-microbial

o Anti-fungal

o Anti-parasitic

or anticoagulants

o lowers the risk of [name of disease]

o lowers cholesterol

o Reduces the pain associated with the disease

Even though studies show all the above to be true research lacks double-blind studies on a grand scale. At this point in our healthcare system, only pharmaceutical drug companies this kind of money and they are not going to study the effectiveness of natural products on the ground that they can not patent. These requirements therefore can not be owned or laid out by anyone except medical doctor. In fact, I recommend that you do not discuss problems unless you are medically trained. Nurses are medically trained and therefore it is within our permission to discuss the disease and not on our license to diagnose or prescribe unless the nurse practitioner is authorized to do so.

What can we safely say about these oils and how they work? Here are some suggestions:

o Promote good health

o makes you feel good

o Improves nutrition, thus optimizing health

o are immune Enhancing

o support natural defense system

o Support the immune, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous and other body systems

o Assistance in maintaining normal cell renewal

o tempered rising

o Are antiseptic (topical use only)

o are high in antioxidants

o aromatic

o Are oxygenating

o Boost stamina and energy

o help you relax

o Help manage stress and frustration

o reduce the appearance of aging

o Improve mental clarity

o Promote general health, vitality and longevity

So rather than analyze and check, we can suggest ways the body can be restored to health. We can research on the health problems and provide additional information; and we can offer stories. Simply replace drugs with herbs and essential oils not serve the client well. Teach others how to balance their bodies naturally the way God intended will serve much better. How can we do this? By looking at the body system that is not working and offer support for the organs.

Educational courses in aromatherapy help you use essential oils properly and know how to discuss healing abilities to the public without making false claims, diagnosis and prescription.


Using Aromatherapy to treat gynecological problems


Many women have suffered from yeast infections at least once in their lifetime. And dozens of both men and women may also have suffered from a viral infection of the skin such as genital warts and herpes. While this can certainly not be a laughing matter, the good news here is that these infections can be effectively treated with simple aromatherapy techniques.

Essentials Oils for Treating Yeast Infections

Many women have probably suffered from a yeast infection at least once in a lifetime. This infection is usually characterized by itching, pain and a burning sensation along caked discharge. Yeast infections can be caused by many organisms. One common cause of this problem is Candida albicans, a type of fungus that is present in a healthy vagina.

Among the most effective essential oils against the common yeast infection are bergamot, chamomile, lavender and tea tree oil. All of these essential oils have strong antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, these oils proven effective in inhibiting the growth of Candida fungus in laboratory experiments.

douching can also provide a great relief for this infection. Although many Gynecologists have expressed their concerns regarding the use of this method, perform gentle douche can still be a good way to treat infections of the vagina.

effective douche can be formulated with 4 drops of lavender and 4 drops of tea tree oil mixed with half an ounce infusion calendula or caulophyllum oil (this acts as a carrier oil). Shower twice a day. Just be sure to wear panty liners during the day!

Aromatherapy Treatments Viral infections of the skin

genital warts and herpes are viral infections, which commonly affects both men and women. Genital warts caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus.

One of the most effective ways to treat genital warts is by using essential oils directly on the wart two to four times daily. Oil is best applied with a glass rod applicator, dropper or cotton swab alcohol to ensure accuracy. Just be sure that the oil is dabbed directly to warts only where they can easily burn sensitive skin. For added protection, apply an appropriate salve to the surrounding skin.

appropriate treatment for genital may be prepared by mixing 10 drops tea tree oil, 5 drops Thuja essential oil, ¼ ounce castor oil, or caulophyllum oil (this will act as a carrier oil) and 800 IU vitamin E oil.

If warts continue to persist despite treatment, it is best to have it removed by a qualified doctor.

Herpes simplex can manifest as cold sores around the mouth or genitals. This virus can lie dormant in the nervous system for years and can be activated by excessive stress or a weakened immune system.

To treat this, try to combine 4 drops each niaouli and eucalyptus citriodora oil, 2 drops each of tea tree and bergamot oil and 1 drop of geranium oil. Use 1 ounce calendula infusion oil as a carrier oil for maximum effect. This mixture can be applied to the affected area two to three times a day.


So You Want to Become an aromatherapist!


So you want to become aromatherapist but you’re not quite sure how to go about it. If you take aromatherapy courses, which one should you take? Do you need to take aromatherapy courses to become an aromatherapist or you can do it by self-study alone? These questions are addressed and answered in the following paragraphs for you.

In this day and age with so much worried about the recession and the cost of medical care many are turning to alternative health to try to reduce their costs. Not only is aromatherapy cheaper it is also much more healthy alternative.

Many are interested in aromatherapy and can become an aromatherapist but they are unsure of where to start. There is so much information on the Internet about aromatherapy and aromatherapy course it can be a bit daunting to try to separate the chaff from the grain. There is a lot of information, but much of what you read on some of the sites can be very dangerous.

The best way to be sure you are getting the right information to make a good fragrance courses. There are many courses available on the internet but not all may suit your needs.Here are some tips on what to do if you want to become aromatherapist.

If you are planning on going aromatherapist then you will find that you need more than basic or aromatherapy guide. You have to learn not only about aromatherapy in general but also how to practice it safely and effectively.

Although many aromatherapy courses on the Internet are quite expensive you can find some affordable ones that will not break your pocket book. The main thing is to find a course that will allow you to become certified as aromatherapist.

Although certification in aromatherapy is not recognized by the government and it is still advisable to become certified if you want to practice aromatherapy and suggest treatments for future customers.

Think about it. If you were to go to someone for advice on how to use aromatherapy fact, would you trust someone who has just read a book about it, or someone who really has a certificate that they are certified in aromatherapy. Certification only means that you have taken the proper aromatherapy course and received a certificate showing that you have completed the said course. There are certain rules set up by various organizations aromatherapy that will tell you what you should be looking for a good course.

There are two distinct points in aromatherapy certification. Level I focuses mainly basic aromatherapy history and mixing essential oils. The Level II course will teach you anatomy and physiology and therapeutic blend of essential oils. You will also learn how to determine which essential oils are best to use for a particular position. You will have the training required to make safe judgments essential oils are most appropriate for the case.

Make sure you take a good look at aromatherapy curriculum to find out exactly what you will learn. You will want to make sure that you can get both Level I and Level II courses from the same place. It is usually possible to take the level II course some if you have not taken their level I course. The reason is that not all courses are created equal. What one man can teach a Level of course I may be only a fraction of what other teacher is teaching.

Note curriculum and not be afraid to ask questions about giving the course. Most of us are usually very helpful in giving you more information if you need it. Becoming certified aromatherapist can be a great avenue for you to practice healthy choices when it comes to you and your family and friends to your health.


The History of Aromatherapy – the Egyptians, Greeks and Babylonians


Aromatherapy – “ancient techniques in a modern world” is the title of our and the more you research the origin of aromatherapy, the more you realize how true this is! From the earliest times flower plants have berries and leaves have been used to heal the body and burnt twigs for their scent, which then affects the emotions or senses. It is only as time has passed to our scientific understanding is constantly confirm the contribution of natural plants to the general situation of our well being. In this article, we will trace the history of aromatherapy and the use of essential oils from ancient times to modern.

Archaeologists have found the remains of many plants known medicinal value in landfill sites and create pages early human races and often use plants may have been associated with religious or superstitious practices. The oldest recorded reference to plants used for medicinal purposes dates back to 10,000BC. The earliest humans found that berries and leaves would help wounds and leaves and roots helped sick people to feel better. Certain twigs and branches already set on fire would make people either sleepy or feel excited and some said they have “mystical” experience !!


3000 years BC Egyptians found a fragrance for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. They used it to embalm the dead and perfume contributed much to public and private lives. The good cause handmaidens used together with fragrant cones on their heads. They did drugs cakes, perfumes, molding materials as well as pills, powders and purees from a wide selection of trees and plants. In many pyramids huge amount of cosmetics jars have been found. Smells like Frankincense was still evident from this and there are records of cedar and cypress been performed. Plants used were included aniseed, castor oil, coriander, cumin and garlic to name a few. The wall paintings that have been discovered it is obvious that in the 3rd century BC Egypt had a primitive form of distillation.


Early Babylonian doctors do reports on their formulas and prescriptions on clay tablets. They did not take out the amount that they use but they did give details of any measures should be prepared and taken. Merodach Baladan was king of Babylon in 702 BC and was one of Babylon’s kind of taking a keen interest in planting and use of medicinal plants. In the gardens of Babylon, the times can be found garlic, fennel, saffron, thyme, cumin, coriander, juniper, myrrh and roses .. many of these names you will find using essential oils in today’s society.

Babylonian texts such laws Hammurabi (1792-1750 / 43 BC) that described the responsibility of the surgeon and how much he should pay. Pay was good, but penalties for failure strong: “If a doctor conducts major operation in master … causing his death …. they cut off the hand”. Only wounds, fractures and abscesses treated surgically. A Sumerian clay tablet (2150 BC) describes the wound be washed in beer and hot water, poultices made of pine, prunes, wine dregs and lizard dung, and the use of bandages (for nose-bleed!). Other texts describe the symptoms and prognosis of epilepsy, bronchitis and scurvy. List of 230 drugs with plant, animal and mineral substances found in Assyrian and pharmacy records of cedar oil distillation prove that this was before the invention than previously thought.


Ancient Greece, as with ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt, played an important role in history. The most famous of all ancient Greek doctors was Hippocrates. Hippocrates recommended aromatic baths and massages to promote and maintain good health

By 1200 BC, Ancient Greece was developing in all areas – .. Trade, farming, military, sailing, crafts, etc. their knowledge of drugs developed in accordance with

Gods dominant life Greeks. Natural occurring explained away using gods. This is, however, no medicine in Ancient Greek physicians tried to find a natural explanation of why someone got sick and died.

Greeks were practicing medicine 1,000 years before the birth of Christ. In the “Iliad” of Homer, injured soldiers treated by doctors and Greek leader in history, Menelaus, was treated for arrow wounds by the doctor-in-arms, Machaon.

Greeks had a lot of medical expertise of from Egypt if they made many of their own their discoveries. Olive oil was enough and they use it to absorb the scent of flowers and herbs for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The Hippocrates writing references were made to a number of drugs including opium, mandrake and belladonna and food plants such as quince and rhubarb. He wrote “Let medicine be your food and your food be your medicine” – a guiding principle if applied would undoubtedly improve the lives of many people in today’s society

Another Greek named Galen knew a wide the number of “simples” he lived his remedies and he wrote a lot about plant medicines. He found the original “cold cream” formed the prototype of almost all perfumes in use today.

Another Greek, Dioscorides was responsible for writing “Materia Medica” vast volumes detailing the properties of medicinal plants. The work of these three people were translated into Arabic languages.


Aromatherapy – Chamomile Essential Oil


Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils to focus ones health or welfare. Today we are going to talk about oil, chamomile, one of the most common oils used in aromatherapy today. By relaxing its advantages as well as sedation, Chamomile has has fruity apple and straw smell. The flower is the main ingredient of this oil

Chamomile Features :.

  • Mental Benefits – time physical or emotional stress, chamomile calms the mind and relieve tension. It will bring a sense of peace and patients, and will also increase calmness and relaxation. Chamomile herb, when used in tea may help treat insomnia.
  • Physical Benefits – provides nerve numbing effect or nervine action, and will relieve nerve pain associated with neuralgia, headaches and toothaches. It is also known for gentle relaxation effects for menopause and menstrual cramps. Chamomile is also a good remedy for digestive problems. This Herb provides relief from gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, ulcers, flatulence and intestinal inflammation. It is also useful for urinary problems urinary tract. Another possible use is for jaundice or liver problems.

With children who are teething or earaches, chamomile can also use

  • Benefits for the skin -. Chamomile is very good for treating skin problems. So the fire, inflammatory lesions, ulcers, dermatitis, eczema and rashes. Also good for most skin allergies. Chamomile has been reported that in order to smooth the skin, improving elasticity and strength of the skin. It can also be used to lighten hair is already light color

Use Chamomile Oil :.

  • In the bath – add 10 drops hot bathwater for relaxation drink
  • .

  • Headache -. Diluted with a carrier oil and massage into the house
  • For the home – it is a great disinfectant
  • For sore muscles and joints – diluted with a carrier oil and give a soothing massage Roman Chamomile
  • .

Roman Chamomile can also be used in a diffuser to help headache or nerves.


Spa and Aromatherapy Massage – Courses for Entrepreneur


Find Spa and Aromatherapy Massage Courses in the United States and Canada. The average college graduate today is still debating the educational path to follow. Those who are not sure what career field to pursue can have a sustainable niche; and might want a hands-on learning environment as a spa and aromatherapy massage program

Prospective students who have shown interest in the bodywork and natural healing may primarily directed to education in spa and aromatherapy massage. as it combines the necessary training in the oil, herbs and botanical medicines, with a variety of massage techniques. In most cases, a spa and aromatherapy massage program includes practical training in Swedish massage, deep tissue massage and seated massages, among other procedures. In addition, students enrolled in the spa and aromatherapy massage course will often find little known facts and history about the origin of herbal, aromatic and fragrant oils, and natural healing qualities.

typical outline Spa and aromatherapy massage program includes a comprehensive research on hot oil treatments, body wraps, facials, hand and foot spas, beauty / skin rejuvenation and treatment, detoxification therapies, and related instruction.

Students who meet all training requirements of the spa and aromatherapy massage course can receive holistic certification and / or diplomas in the relevant field. Because massage and healing arts schools vary the length of program and training hours, a number of spa and aromatherapy massage courses may meet or exceed state and national standards for national certification. Keep in mind that while you may be eligible for national certification as a massage therapist, licensing Esthetics’ varies according to the spa / aromatherapy training requirements.

Successful graduates spa and aromatherapy massage program can go to the record level posted in ease clinics, or may put their skills to the test by going into their own business or manage the franchise. In some cases, experts have established a good reputation can choose to pursue sustainable jobs liners and popular resorts. Truly, the sky is the limit in this work :. As a career choice, an experienced spa and aromatherapy massage practitioners can see lucrative income of $ 30 * and a

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding spa and aromatherapy massage courses, let professional training within fast growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you

* Wages Source :. (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Spa and Aromatherapy Massage: courses for Entrepreneur
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