Aromatherapy – Breathe Easy



Yes, that’s right Eucalyptus “excellent reputation for ease congestion and promote freer, easier breathing closer to your thinking!

Psychologically Eucalyptus promotes fluid thought processes! Like a breath of fresh air Eucalyptus rejuvenates thought process.

Use Eucalyptus to stimulate rational thinking process during the course of reactive or irrational.

Eucalyptus also aids focus, mix with basil, mint, or lemon to increase this effect.

When you are feeling bogged down and overwhelmed with information of the Spirit Eucalyptus to help you organize and sort out your priorities.

Eucalyptus stimulates fresh new ideas to address the situation.

Use Eucalyptus to more easily manage and control your thoughts.

Eucalyptus cools hot temper! Those who are easily fired up about it can benefit from the use of Eucalyptus.

in Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient system of healing practiced in India, cooling and spicy scent of Eucalyptus is ideal to regulate and pacify ALL doshas or body types mind. Vata, Pitta and kapha imbalance respond well to Eucalyptus’ balancing effect.

Symptoms of Vata imbalance are premenstrual syndrome, constipation, insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, anxiety and worry.

Symptoms of Pitta imbalance are high blood pressure, anger, frustration and emotional indigestion, inability to go with the flow.

Characteristics of kapha imbalance are high cholesterol, low metabolic forces, slow to lose weight, fluid retention, stagnation and blockage, lethargy. and depression

mix: Basil, Atlas Cedarwood, Himalayan Cedarwood, Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils but these are not recommended for use in medicine. For best results buy high quality oils you can possibly find. Use organic oils or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronization of body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to improve your health and well-being and can produce satisfactory results other methods have failed. Contact your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.
