Fun facts about the history of Aromatherapy


Aromatherapy is not a modern phenomenon. Indeed, it dates back to before recorded history. It is a long and colorful history as a result of those early days to the modern world, where you can buy essential oils in the supermarket.

it to the Chinese

who were the first to use aromatherapy? If you guessed it was the Chinese, you’re right. They were the first to do a lot of things, including burning specific herbs for welfare or settlement of an individual. Those who classified the 300 herbs that offered health benefits when burned as incense.

Egyptians love their fragrance

For Europe and the Western world, Egypt can be thought of as the founders of aromatherapy. They used incense, bath oils and massage balm. Those ones even their dead with essential oils! They had a special ceremony in which participants wore a conical hat of oils that would melt and release their fragrance. The ancient Egyptians were pioneers aroma therapies, and their activities spread to Europe.

ointments and powders

A thousand years ago, Arabia was the world capital of perfume development. Many of their perfumes using essential oils and fragrances that were intended for medical purposes. These techniques were brought to Europe with the returning soldiers of the Crusades. They brought a distillation techniques and tools to spread the fragrance.

Aromatherapy Goes Underground

During the Dark Ages, aromatherapy went underground. The Catholic Church banned all kinds of all-natural remedies because they believed all illnesses to be God’s punishment. Only prayer and some bleeding can heal you. This ban lasted for centuries. The Renaissance and Enlightenment eras, herbal remedies were largely ignored in favor of more abstract scientific methods. Aside from the development of perfumes and some medical research in the 19th century, this rejection aromatherapy continued until quite recently.

Modern Aromatherapy was discovered by accident

Of course, here aromatherapy practices back to the early days of mankind, but a modern form found by accident. In the 1920s, French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse burned his hand during an experiment, and soak it in Lavender because he had nothing else well. He was surprised at how quickly wound healing and went to investigate other herbs. He was the one who coined the term “aromatherapy.”

Now, aromatherapy has gained wide recognition as a viable method to treat all kinds of ailments. Since the beginning of history, through the rejection of the Church and science, it has made its way to our modern world, where everyone can enjoy the benefits.
