What raindrop Therapy?


raindrop Therapy is soothing healing technique that uses pure Young Living Essential Oils. Raindrops Therapy combines aromatherapy, reflexology, massage and moist heat to create healing and purification with structural and electrical alignment of the body. The purpose of treatment is to complete relaxation, peace and well-being of the mental, physical and emotional body.

raindrop Therapy was created by Gary Young. Gary Young has studied is equipped and herbal medicine for over 20 years. He credits the creation raindrop treatment for Native American Lakotas, the Hunza people of the Himalayan Mountains, and the people of Inner Mongolia for inspiration. The philosophy behind raindrop Therapy is the use of certain antibiotics oils applied in a particular order massage and reflexology techniques will reduce inflammation in the body and destroy any virus presence. A warm compress is then applied to facilitate the absorption of oils and relax muscles. The oils penetrate soft tissue within 20 minutes. Sedation are incredibly relaxing. Even if the original theory behind raindrop therapy to cure spinal problems, changes can be incorporated into therapy to treat other conditions.

9 different Young Living Therapeutic grade essential oils are used in equipment with V -6 Mixing Oil and Ortho simple.

1. Valor – Mixtures of Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense and Spruce

2. Oregano

3. Thyme

4. Basil

5. Cypress

6. Winter Green

7. Marjoram

8. Peppermint

9. Aroma Siezi – Mixtures of Basil, cypress, marjoram and lavender

the health benefits raindrop Therapy

1. Pain Relief: In a study published in the August 2000 release of Journal American Academy of Nurses, 60 patients Fibromyalgia was investigated. Aromatherapy, heat and massage were rated effective.

2. Reduction of inflammation: Although some studies have suggested that many essential oils as a powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Thyme, Wintergreen and Peppermint are three anti-inflammatory oils used during the raindrop session. For example, Wintergreen essential oil contains large amounts of natural methyl salicylate that appears to inhibit inflammation.

3. Improvement of Circulation :. A 2004 Russian study tested 100 patients with known knowledge problems and found that rubbing the back of his neck caused a significant improvement in the cerebral circulation and functional status of the brain

4. Improvement of immune function: A large study published in 1995 at the University of Miami School of Medicine evaluated the effects of massage on HIV positive men, and concluded that massage was associated with improvements in several measures of immune desired cytotoxic capacity

5. Emissions suppress negative emotions: Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, MD from Harvard Medical School noted that severe emotional stress can cause subconscious neuroses that are actually physioneurosis, stored in the amygdala. Inhalation of essential oils can help activate and release the subconscious emotional stress.

Benefits drop Technique can help improve all aspects of health for a better quality of life, physically, mentally and emotionally. A variety of chronic pain issues can be relieved by a single raindrop therapy treatment.
