Aromatherapy and the importance of Smell


To create a mood, creating odors. It started with aerosol sprays, moved to fragrant dried flowers and colored wood chips, then more sophisticated freeze-dried flowers, fruits, nuts and berries. Now consumers and aroma therapists have discovered essential oils. Essential oils are derived from aromatic plants.

In aromatherapy, inhaling essential oils is the most popular method of use compared with oral and topical. Because of the three methods of application, inhalation, the most rapid effect.

When we breathe through the nose, the components within the essential oils binds to receptors in the olfactory bulb. The scent molecules affect our brain, especially the limbic system where memory and smell are said to live. Limbic system is also referred to as the emotional brain. Likewise, molecules inhaled through the nose or mouth are also made to the lungs and interact with the respiratory system.

Oils may be diffused in the air in many ways. Many enthusiasts prefer aromatherapy electric aromatherapy diffuser. This method puts fragrance in the air with no heat, which is the best for oil. You get the best scent and keep more of the properties.

If you are not willing to invest in a diffuser, try potpourri or simmer a pot to start out your experiments with essential oils. To optimize the distribution of the aroma, placing ten drops of oil in water. You can also buy copper or porcelain candle rings that you fill with oil and put on a light bulb. Heating bulb releases the scent.

You can also try the dry evaporation. Use a cotton ball or tissue, put a few drops of essential oils that evaporate. Another way is to spray essential oils into the air deodorizer or air freshener. In a spray bottle, add a few drops of essential oil to the water and mix well

The following are some important uses for aromatherapy essential oils :.

o Prepare aqueous peppermint oil to stimulate alertness. Aqueous citrus oil can enhance the immune system.

o Do you have a big test or presentation imminent? Put a few drops of rosemary or basil in a diffuser or lamp ring. These oils are good for your focus, concentration and memory.

o If you have visitors, use spices or cooking oils, which stimulate appetite and aid digestion. Lavender, cardamom, cumin and Spearmint is a good choice.

o To prevent visitors getting too relaxed after dinner, rosemary and basil stimulate and provoke conversation.

o Evergreen oils such as fir, pine and spruce or citrus oils like orange and grape fruits are pleasing and uplifting. You can even throw in a little lavender to make them soothing.

o Citrus oils, as well as lavender and marjoram, calm crabby children or stressed out adults. Just put a drop on the pillow or handkerchief and let the smell wash away the trauma of the day.

o If you want to create a seductive atmosphere, the subtle scent of sandalwood can send the senses spinning. This erotic fragrance wafting through the boudoir or bath conjures up images of “1000 Arabian Nights.”

o Got a cold or sinus problems? Eucalyptus finds stuffiest of the nose and creates welcome airways. The smell of eucalyptus can also enhance creativity.

o Oils are perfect for preventing illness and are great additions to the cleaning solutions. Oil of oregano has 28 times more disinfection and phenol, which is a common ingredient in household cleaners.

o pre-sleep relaxation, mix lavender with ylang ylang, rose, jasmine or marjoram essential oils for deep relaxing sleep.

o Geranium compensates very well with lavender, which means with chamomile, which is known for its soothing properties.

But contrary to many people’s belief, aromatherapy is not just about smell something. Aromatherapy is defined as the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Doctors only choose the method of application as clinically appropriate as is, inhalation for respiratory tract infections or psychological effects; intake for intestinal complaints; topical burns, skin and muscle disease.
