Aromatherapy formulas for children with alopecia areata


Aromatherapy is becoming well-known and popular treatment for alopecia areata. Because alopecia areata is most common in children, must ask whether these therapies are safe for children. With current treatments produce undesirable side effects and mediocre results, parents looking for an alternative might be tempted to buy or make the necessary oil treatment for hair loss of the child.

One of the most famous formulas from a study conducted by dermatologists in Scotland. The results were impressive, making aromatherapy to be a safe and effective treatment for alopecia areata. This particular recipe uses essential oils of Cedar Wood, rosemary, lavender and thyme in a solution of grapeseed oil and jojoba.

While lavender oil is safe in small amounts, even for very young children, cedar, rosemary and thyme are not recommended for children under a certain age. Certain chemo-types and varieties of thyme should be avoided completely. As the child progresses in age and size more essential oils can be used safely.

Roman chamomile and lavender oil are generally safe choice for very young children (ages 2 and up). These oils are highly valued for the scalp and hair care. They also have the ability to produce a calming, relaxing effect that can help children deal with the emotional aspects of hair loss. As the child grows check more essential oil is safe to use. Finally oils such as rosemary, geranium, marjoram, frankincense, cypress and rosemary can be incorporated in the formulas as long as they are in the proper dilution.

Another consideration is how powerful recipe child should be. Essential oils must be diluted in a carrier oil before they can be applied to the scalp. The younger the child, the more highly diluted essential oils will be. Choosing the right base oil is also important. Hazelnut or Sweet Almond oil are safe and gentle for small children, unless they have a peanut allergy. In cases of peanut allergies, olive oil can be used.

Extreme care must be taken when essential oils on children. There is no such thing as a general one-size-fits-all formula, especially when it comes to children. Safe effective scalp formulas for children can be achieved by using the right oil to the correct dilution ratio. Aromatherapy can provide safe and effective treatment for children with alopecia areata as long as it is used responsibly and all safety guidelines are followed. A qualified aromatherapist can help to create a safe, effective, age-appropriate formula.

Improved hair growth is not the only benefit of aromatherapy scalp massage. Putting aside time to massage the scalp of a child with alopecia areata can create a wonderful bonding experience for both child and parent. Sedation is therapeutic for both child and parent. As a parent gently massage aromatic oils in the scalp of the child, a safe, nurturing environment is created. Because odor association and memory are closely linked, the smell of essential oils can strengthen the relationship between child and parent for many years to come.
