Aromatherapy Herbs for doctors


Aromatherapy is a form of herbal medicine. It uses the scent of essential oils distilled from plants, flowers and trees to improve the health and energy. Used correctly, it can re-energize and rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. Aromatherapy comes in many forms. It can be used as oils, candles, lotions and soaps.

How fragrant oils extracted from plants?

Many herbs are used in the production of essential oils and waters for aromatherapy. Essential oils are aromatic compounds found in the plant. They are extracted by distillation. There are different approaches to this, but they are all basically the same.

herbs are placed in water that is heated until it produces steam. This release and then be content, including aromatic compounds. The steam is then cooled in a condenser and the material left behind is collected. Oil (which will become Essential Oil) floats to the top of distilled water and can draw from.

The distilled water part is called hydrosol. If you want to buy a plant or flowers’ water is the best kind of hydrosol this is a by-product of aromatic distillation. Are there many ‘waters’ essential oils added to water or alcohol and are not as good as true hydrosols.

Aromatherapy Treat with respect!

Many people believe that because of the fragrant oils have ‘only come from plants “that they can use as much as they want. Essential oils are highly concentrated and are usually measured in drops. Strength wise – one drop would equal volume quantities Skalet. Drinking one ounce of essential oil could prove fatal.

Unless you are a professional aromatherapist, it is best to use only essential oils on the skin. Mix always drop of oil ‘carrier’ as almond oil. Undiluted essential oils can burn skin.

How can anything from plants to be so rich?

Our pharmacy has evolved from herbal medicine. Many drugs in use today are still derived from plants.

There are more than 250,000 known plant species and still less than 1% of them have been thoroughly tested for use in medicine. A quarter of our prescription drugs are derived from tiny 1%. The list includes morphine, atropine, ephedrine, warfarin, aspirin, digoxin, taxol, hyoscine – so plants are quite powerful and caution should be exercised. Is not it amazing to think what other helpful drugs are out there and still undiscovered!

Growing Herbs For Aromatherapy

Large areas of crops need to grow herbs for aromatherapy purposes. This is because, when calculated on the weight of fresh herbs distilled, plants only yield between 0.01% and 2% of essential oil. So much needs to be grown and distilled to produce a fair amount of oil.

To produce essential oils, are requirements of plants, good soil (often organic), irrigation, reasonable shelter harsh weather, harvest and distillation equipment.

Hints and tips on essential oils

1. Always read and heed advice on the labels of essential oils.

2. Keep them out of sight and reach of children.

3. Never put essential oils near the eyes.

4. Always dilute with carrier oil before placing on the skin – or it will burn

5. Essential oils are for external application. Do not ever let them down.

6. As with any new skin preparation, test the oil first. Diluted drops of essential oil with a carrier oil and apply on the skin of the inner arm. If there is any irritation, stop using it.

7. Many herbs should be avoided by pregnant women and people suffering some health. Always check before use.


The Sweet scents of Aromatherapy


Smells and odors affect every aspect of our lives. They play an important role in the important aspects of life such as food, hygiene, clothing, and so on. In fact, there is an art that focuses on the impact of the strong odor and smell our mood. This art is more commonly known as Aromatherapy. It has been practiced as far back as several thousand years ago. Ancient Egyptian frescoes of how ancient Egyptians used aromatherapy to soothe the senses and to add some spice to their lifestyle.

Aromatherapy was also popular in the Middle Ages media. It has been known that the Crusaders used myrrh and frankincense to keep tired troops excited constant preparedness. This method was also said is used by Napoleon to maintain vigilance of the French army. There are other records of the chief generals who have used this art to win the battle or to scare away the opposition.

In a recent Animal Planet program highlights the impact Aromatherapy of animal origin. In this program, manufacturers reported a ten animals vilest smell in the whole animal. Skunk proved to be the smelliest critter in the whole world. Anyway, to return to the subject of Aromatherapy, the bad smell is also an important part of the art of scents and smells. Similar to the concept of yin and yang balance the forces of nature; both good and bad odors need to be studied in order to determine the odor that has the most balanced effect on a person.

The battered and stressed population modern day Aromatherapy consider the base. Stress and anxiety have increased along with the material comforts that have been developed with technology. Most people have no inclination or time to indulge in old methods of relaxation. Aromatherapy provides people these days with a simple and affordable solution for stress.


Aromatherapy – Breathe Easy



Yes, that’s right Eucalyptus “excellent reputation for ease congestion and promote freer, easier breathing closer to your thinking!

Psychologically Eucalyptus promotes fluid thought processes! Like a breath of fresh air Eucalyptus rejuvenates thought process.

Use Eucalyptus to stimulate rational thinking process during the course of reactive or irrational.

Eucalyptus also aids focus, mix with basil, mint, or lemon to increase this effect.

When you are feeling bogged down and overwhelmed with information of the Spirit Eucalyptus to help you organize and sort out your priorities.

Eucalyptus stimulates fresh new ideas to address the situation.

Use Eucalyptus to more easily manage and control your thoughts.

Eucalyptus cools hot temper! Those who are easily fired up about it can benefit from the use of Eucalyptus.

in Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient system of healing practiced in India, cooling and spicy scent of Eucalyptus is ideal to regulate and pacify ALL doshas or body types mind. Vata, Pitta and kapha imbalance respond well to Eucalyptus’ balancing effect.

Symptoms of Vata imbalance are premenstrual syndrome, constipation, insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, anxiety and worry.

Symptoms of Pitta imbalance are high blood pressure, anger, frustration and emotional indigestion, inability to go with the flow.

Characteristics of kapha imbalance are high cholesterol, low metabolic forces, slow to lose weight, fluid retention, stagnation and blockage, lethargy. and depression

mix: Basil, Atlas Cedarwood, Himalayan Cedarwood, Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils but these are not recommended for use in medicine. For best results buy high quality oils you can possibly find. Use organic oils or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronization of body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to improve your health and well-being and can produce satisfactory results other methods have failed. Contact your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.


Anti-Aging and Aromatherapy


I bet you’ve heard about how beneficial aromatherapy use when it comes to stress. Stress is one of the largest aging ‘agent’ and part of our lives. The more stress we feel, the worse we feel, and our bodies react accordingly. Aromatherapy can combat stress in a harmless and effective way without using intrusive or drugs. I’ve always loved the way things smell and the first attraction of a man is always the way he smells

Which is why I pay special attention to the perfume and fragrances that I buy -. And sometimes people like me are very picky people. Very much so.

For the longest time, aromatherapy is considered a form of treatment or prevention of diseases that we had no way to cure back in those days. Effects smell of something in our brain has been described through science in that it affects the limbic system through the olfactory system.

In a simple sense, aromatherapy offers directly to the brain causing it to act in a certain way that helps the body to fight disease whatever it is that is attacking our bodies.

Aromatherapy is also a great form of alternative medicine with healing elements which some claim to be close to magical. Stunning compounds with each other essential oils and plant or flower tends to create different reactions in the brain. Would you consider aromatherapy kind of other drugs? I seem to think so!

In ancient times, this is exactly what they think of it. At those times, they are widely used to cure diseases and some essential oils are used as a form of antiseptic or cure stomach ailments. It is undeniable that how something or someone smells can change the way you look at things.

That is why one should always wear a perfume that helps attract people to us. Some perfumes makes others think of you as a very smart business woman, people think you’re sweet and gentle man, and some simply make you feel and look younger.

It is true, the strength of aromatherapy remains undisputed and hard-to-challenge until this day.


Aromatherapy oils – Secret Homemade Recipes


It has been widely held recognition, aromatherapy oils in the belief and evidence provided it helps to reduce pain and stress, which encourages positive aura and stimulates the relaxation of mind and body as well.

trip to competent and certified aromatherapist to treat yourself to the delights and revitalizing professional aromatherapy massage and treatment is a wonderful idea, hoping to rid whole feeling the negative effects that stress has established in your body and mind as well.

If you are interested and willing to deal devise their own recipes for aromatherapy oils, try to do your homework to find out important facts about the different types of oils. By doing this, you will gain more knowledge about the characteristics of each type of fluid. You will then avoid facing unpleasant situations like allergy cases if a person is sensitive to a certain oil content. As a result, you will gain more knowledge in the process, resulting in a more pleasurable experience as you develop your own aromatherapy oil recipe.

As with all methods, you should first set up goals for any specific purpose you intend to use recipes that you are going to develop. Try to take advantage of essential as aromatherapy books and aromatherapy-related articles appear in numerous online. Whether you plan to install a recipe to hand oils, hand creme, face mask, massage oil or other use skin care products; there is enough information that you can use to guide recipe type search.

However, you should make sure that you have acquired enough knowledge and technical expertise on specific aspects of oils and contraindications her before eventually plan to prepare your own recipe. If you are not yet sure about these things, it would be better if you stick with traditional recipes available.

* Recipe for Aromatherapy Massage Oils

Warming massage oil

jojoba or almond oil – 8 tablespoons

Sandalwood essential oil – 20 drops

Frankincense essential oil – 10 drops

Ginger essential oils – 10 drops

All you have to do is to mix all the oils together. Set in a dark glass jar. Keep in a safe place until ready to use.

* Recipe for Aromatherapy oil-based soap

soap uplifting Mood

Liquid not scented soap – 4 fl. oz

Lavender oil – 20 drops

Bergamot essential oil – 10 drops

Geranium essential oil – 10 drops

in a container, combine oil and liquid soap by mixing thoroughly. Keep in plastic soap dispenser until just before use. Before not forget to shake so as to prevent some part to pile up at the bottom of the container.

* Recipe for Aromatherapy Bath Oils

Meditation Bath

-1 tablespoon milk

Sandalwood essential oil – 4 drops

Rose essential oil – 2 drops

Frankincense essential oil – 2 drops

Prepare the water to use for bathing then add oil while stirring thoroughly for even distribution of

Warning :. Tea tree oil and lavender oil are our oils can be applied directly to the skin; all other types of aromatherapy oil should be diluted in a carrier oil including sweet almond, jojoba oils and grapes. The maximum shelf life of reconstituted oil is 3 years. Keep at room temperature away from direct sunlight and artificial

If you’re using citrus essential oils. use it soon as possible because this type of oil have a shorter shelf life.

As proven by many experiments and on the basis of live evidence and testimonies, it is always good to go with natural ingredients for skin care products. These organic components can provide you with lots of benefits without having to spend large sums of money.


Aromatherapy and Low Female Libido – 5 Essential Ways


First of all let’s look at aromatherapy in a close way. Aromatherapy and low libido related and that the former is used to cure later. Aromatherapy is popular every day and it is used in addition to some oils and aromatic plants to improve health and mood. Aromatherapy method has been used for centuries now, and even known historical figure Cleopatra is known to be essential Seductress because of the way she used aromatherapy knowledge.

The hypoactive sexual desire disorder, or low libido is more common in women than men and studies show that some causes decreased libido, stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and hormone. These signals can be treated using aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy and low female libido can be treated using aromatherapy libido enhancer day. It is true that aromatherapy can set up any mood and behavior towards sex and intimacy. Thee are different essential oils used in aromatherapy to reduce stress, fatigue, anxiety and increase the nitric acid that is essential in blood circulation in the body that also includes the sexual organs. The flow also covers the brain and causes erotic centers where increasing libido

essential oils used in aromatherapy and low female libido :.

  • Angelica is the most useful and stimulating oil that is also used by depleted libido women are also stages of menopause, anemia or heavy and painful periods
  • The aromatherapists also use ambrette, benzoin, and cumin in dealing with physical and sexual increase
  • The Clary-Sage warms the body while encouraging energy and creativity and Mace and nutmeg not forget patchouli
  • use black pepper, cardamom, ginger and cinnamon are used to provide scent and endurance as well as warmth and should be used before love making
  • When a person is anxious, lacking mood, confidence ad is restless following oils are effective in aromatherapy and low female libido. Geranium, rose, ylang-ylang and jasmine. They increase libido by stimulating the release of pheromones and also fighting frigidity and impotence. They can lift libido due to promote compassion and love hence the drive for love making

These oils used in aromatherapy and low female libido should be used when they are diluted first. Then they are applied to the skin directly on the type of oil used. You can also use a cloth or cotton pray and pour a few drops before keeping it close to your nose for inhalation or steam inhalation can also be used. Some will use aromatherapy oils and low female libido in water especially in the bathtub.


How to Treat Hemorrhoid Naturally – Essential Oil Method


Are you suffering from hemorrhoids? Are you looking for a natural way to treat themself? There are quite a few options are available That to you. One of Them is called aromatherapy or the way to cure by means of essential oils. What are They? Essential oils are concentrated liquids are extracted from That plants. They consist of various botanical molecules Such as vitamins, Hormones and antibiotics. In comparison to dried herbs, natural oils are 75 to 100 times more concentrated. Then, That is why essential oils are used only in minute quantities. Only a small Amount of themself is needed to be effective interventions.

What is the advantage of usage of essential oils for the treatment of hemorrhoids? The main advantage is the remarkable Capability of natural oils to penetrate through the skin Into blood system When They are Applied topically. You can not Expect The Same result with a local herbal or a chemical treatment. For Both Of Them, Their main compound stays on skin and can not go through cell membrane Into cells as essential oil does. In combination with a diet and lifestyle change aromatherapy has Offered relief and treatment to Many people WHO are suffering from piles.

How does hemorrhoids aromatherapy work? Aromatherapy Improve circulation, Soother the pain, and promotes the regeneration and healing of tissue. It is precisely the action That you are looking for When You Suffer from piles. How can I properly use essential oil? Never use it directly on your skin! Remember: They are botanical extracts very concentrated!

In fact, there are two different getaways to cure hemorrhoids with essential oils, and þessi Can be used together.

The first method Involves a shallow bath of hot water in a bathtub . For example, you could Sprinkle 20 drops of lavender and 20 drops of juniper oils. It is Important to Them mix very well in the water and soak for twenty minutes.

The second one Involves carrier oil. That means That Will you blend the essentials oils you have selected with pure almond or apricot oils (not any kind of oils!). A good proportion would be: two drops of essential oil with Each one Ounce of the carrier oil. That is enough! Then, apply to the area as you would an ointment.

Which essential oils are generally used to treat hemorrhoids? Here are some of the theme: coriander, cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender, Myrrh, niaouli, patchouli, tea tree oil. If you are pregnant or nursing mother, medical superimpose Reasons to Avoid the usage of a few essential oils. So, please, look for more information about essential oils and pregnancy!

There are so many Witnesses of happy people cured WHO have tried this method with another one: Which one? I am talking about another natural treatment That works very fast and is expandable to attack the very root of the problem. I encouragements you, if you are suffering from piles to click the best natural treatment of hemorrhoids website. Applying These other counsels Will help you to get rid of piles forever Without any pain!


Aromatherapy and Alzheimer


Cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise, which of course we already know. But the numbers are surprising. Nearly 20% of those over 80 suffer from dementia. Almost half of those who are 85 contract Alzheimer’s disease.

There are may be the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease, and olfactory disorders dysfunction is considered to be one of them. Although aromatherapy is not a cure for the disease, smell and touch are powerful messengers and signal that can get into the “fog” of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in a way that words and other communication or recognition is not possible.

Many studies have been and continue to be the effects of certain essential oils used in aromatherapy and how they “connect” with those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Many of these studies have been done in institutional settings such as nursing homes. In 1995, research by the name Flanagan reported in one experiment used combative patient in need of sedation syringes for their own benefit and the benefit of care givers. He changed dramatically when a simple cotton ball with the essential oil of lavender was pinned his shirt. He improved to the extent that it no longer needs to inject.

It is proposed that there are two reasons for this. First of all, features lavender is very similar to diazepam, a sedative. The other possible explanation is that memories are very individual and memories associated odor can be easily triggered. It is believed that aromatherapy can help patients operated Alzheimer memories of their past, and at least in this case, has a calming effect on the patient. As Flanagan reported seeing facial expressions changed from a mask-like smile was response enough to know that something was happening.

In another example of the effects of aromatherapy on Alzheimer’s patients, Dales occupational therapy services in Derbyshire, United Kingdom has used aromatherapy to improve the lives of those they care for. Essential oils that they find useful, pine, eucalyptus and peppermint. This call conversation and memory, and lavender and geranium seem to trigger thoughts of cooking

It has been suggested in many studies, especially those connected with the elderly, it is very important to allow patients -. When possible – to choose their fragrances. Experimenting with various oils is needed to find the “triggers” that less Alzheimer’s patients of their past.


What raindrop Therapy?


raindrop Therapy is soothing healing technique that uses pure Young Living Essential Oils. Raindrops Therapy combines aromatherapy, reflexology, massage and moist heat to create healing and purification with structural and electrical alignment of the body. The purpose of treatment is to complete relaxation, peace and well-being of the mental, physical and emotional body.

raindrop Therapy was created by Gary Young. Gary Young has studied is equipped and herbal medicine for over 20 years. He credits the creation raindrop treatment for Native American Lakotas, the Hunza people of the Himalayan Mountains, and the people of Inner Mongolia for inspiration. The philosophy behind raindrop Therapy is the use of certain antibiotics oils applied in a particular order massage and reflexology techniques will reduce inflammation in the body and destroy any virus presence. A warm compress is then applied to facilitate the absorption of oils and relax muscles. The oils penetrate soft tissue within 20 minutes. Sedation are incredibly relaxing. Even if the original theory behind raindrop therapy to cure spinal problems, changes can be incorporated into therapy to treat other conditions.

9 different Young Living Therapeutic grade essential oils are used in equipment with V -6 Mixing Oil and Ortho simple.

1. Valor – Mixtures of Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense and Spruce

2. Oregano

3. Thyme

4. Basil

5. Cypress

6. Winter Green

7. Marjoram

8. Peppermint

9. Aroma Siezi – Mixtures of Basil, cypress, marjoram and lavender

the health benefits raindrop Therapy

1. Pain Relief: In a study published in the August 2000 release of Journal American Academy of Nurses, 60 patients Fibromyalgia was investigated. Aromatherapy, heat and massage were rated effective.

2. Reduction of inflammation: Although some studies have suggested that many essential oils as a powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Thyme, Wintergreen and Peppermint are three anti-inflammatory oils used during the raindrop session. For example, Wintergreen essential oil contains large amounts of natural methyl salicylate that appears to inhibit inflammation.

3. Improvement of Circulation :. A 2004 Russian study tested 100 patients with known knowledge problems and found that rubbing the back of his neck caused a significant improvement in the cerebral circulation and functional status of the brain

4. Improvement of immune function: A large study published in 1995 at the University of Miami School of Medicine evaluated the effects of massage on HIV positive men, and concluded that massage was associated with improvements in several measures of immune desired cytotoxic capacity

5. Emissions suppress negative emotions: Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, MD from Harvard Medical School noted that severe emotional stress can cause subconscious neuroses that are actually physioneurosis, stored in the amygdala. Inhalation of essential oils can help activate and release the subconscious emotional stress.

Benefits drop Technique can help improve all aspects of health for a better quality of life, physically, mentally and emotionally. A variety of chronic pain issues can be relieved by a single raindrop therapy treatment.


Aroma Therapy – The Best way to relax the muscles


Aroma Therapy is one of the terms is catching up with the fast pace of product field. With many side effects to discover the drugs that we have been eating for years has been a paradigm shift. People now have more faith in the concepts like aroma therapy than any other way of healing pain. This treatment dates its origins in very ancient times. It was a very popular practice by the ancient Egyptians and Romans. This treatment has been put to various uses of the role of beauty enhancer for stress relief, it does it all.

The aroma therapy is done in three ways and it is very important to choose the right one. This treatment can be enjoyed with the help of aromatherapy diffuser, aromatherapy oils or aromatherapy massage. All three processes have different procedures and hence different results. Aromatherapy oils can be used to massage and bath. Soaked body yourself in such a bath gives a very relaxing feeling both physically and mentally. The aromatherapy diffuser uses diffusers either electric or non-electric scattered distinctive aroma in the air and this air we breathe is magic in our bodies. The last option of aromatherapy massage is best incase one has severe muscular stress or pain.

The aroma therapy is a very good way to relax ones muscles. If stress is not very serious it can be cured simply by means of a bath and aroma therapy special oils. If muscles are in great stress, can relax with aromatherapy massages. Such massage can also help cure many other problems such as cardiovascular problems and immune system. Before getting massage done to ensure that you get it done by a specialist only one that can do more harm than good. Rub person is a highly technical job and is not as easy as it seems.

The basic and useful massage techniques is Effleurage. In this method, a massage provides a smooth and gentle strokes on the body. In this way, used oils penetrate the body very easily and relax the muscles which they are applied. These strokes are also very specific in nature. There are long shots, short, or simply a company or gentle ones. Hands Effleurage held very firm. Another important way give massages Petrissage. This is very helpful in relaxing the muscles. There is a small force applied by the thumb while giving a massage. The main functions as kneading flour.

The massage to make also depends on the body part that needs it. There are many muscles in our body so that there are different types of muscle pain as well. The most common things that is in trouble most of the time is the neck. Langa sitting in front of computers, clerical work or any type of work tend to strain the muscles of the neck. For neck massage and it is recommended that one should give a massage in small circular movements with firm hands. The massage should start from just below his neck go out to each of the vertebrae.

Another very sensitive part of the shoulder. For giving a massage to assume one can use either Petrissage or Effleurage. The massage should start from the shoulders going into the neck and then go back. The above methods can be used for back massages as well. One should keep in mind is to never give a massage of the vertebrae.

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