How to Treat Hemorrhoid Naturally – Essential Oil Method


Are you suffering from hemorrhoids? Are you looking for a natural way to treat themself? There are quite a few options are available That to you. One of Them is called aromatherapy or the way to cure by means of essential oils. What are They? Essential oils are concentrated liquids are extracted from That plants. They consist of various botanical molecules Such as vitamins, Hormones and antibiotics. In comparison to dried herbs, natural oils are 75 to 100 times more concentrated. Then, That is why essential oils are used only in minute quantities. Only a small Amount of themself is needed to be effective interventions.

What is the advantage of usage of essential oils for the treatment of hemorrhoids? The main advantage is the remarkable Capability of natural oils to penetrate through the skin Into blood system When They are Applied topically. You can not Expect The Same result with a local herbal or a chemical treatment. For Both Of Them, Their main compound stays on skin and can not go through cell membrane Into cells as essential oil does. In combination with a diet and lifestyle change aromatherapy has Offered relief and treatment to Many people WHO are suffering from piles.

How does hemorrhoids aromatherapy work? Aromatherapy Improve circulation, Soother the pain, and promotes the regeneration and healing of tissue. It is precisely the action That you are looking for When You Suffer from piles. How can I properly use essential oil? Never use it directly on your skin! Remember: They are botanical extracts very concentrated!

In fact, there are two different getaways to cure hemorrhoids with essential oils, and þessi Can be used together.

The first method Involves a shallow bath of hot water in a bathtub . For example, you could Sprinkle 20 drops of lavender and 20 drops of juniper oils. It is Important to Them mix very well in the water and soak for twenty minutes.

The second one Involves carrier oil. That means That Will you blend the essentials oils you have selected with pure almond or apricot oils (not any kind of oils!). A good proportion would be: two drops of essential oil with Each one Ounce of the carrier oil. That is enough! Then, apply to the area as you would an ointment.

Which essential oils are generally used to treat hemorrhoids? Here are some of the theme: coriander, cypress, geranium, juniper, lavender, Myrrh, niaouli, patchouli, tea tree oil. If you are pregnant or nursing mother, medical superimpose Reasons to Avoid the usage of a few essential oils. So, please, look for more information about essential oils and pregnancy!

There are so many Witnesses of happy people cured WHO have tried this method with another one: Which one? I am talking about another natural treatment That works very fast and is expandable to attack the very root of the problem. I encouragements you, if you are suffering from piles to click the best natural treatment of hemorrhoids website. Applying These other counsels Will help you to get rid of piles forever Without any pain!


Aromatherapy and Alzheimer


Cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are on the rise, which of course we already know. But the numbers are surprising. Nearly 20% of those over 80 suffer from dementia. Almost half of those who are 85 contract Alzheimer’s disease.

There are may be the first sign of Alzheimer’s disease, and olfactory disorders dysfunction is considered to be one of them. Although aromatherapy is not a cure for the disease, smell and touch are powerful messengers and signal that can get into the “fog” of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in a way that words and other communication or recognition is not possible.

Many studies have been and continue to be the effects of certain essential oils used in aromatherapy and how they “connect” with those with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Many of these studies have been done in institutional settings such as nursing homes. In 1995, research by the name Flanagan reported in one experiment used combative patient in need of sedation syringes for their own benefit and the benefit of care givers. He changed dramatically when a simple cotton ball with the essential oil of lavender was pinned his shirt. He improved to the extent that it no longer needs to inject.

It is proposed that there are two reasons for this. First of all, features lavender is very similar to diazepam, a sedative. The other possible explanation is that memories are very individual and memories associated odor can be easily triggered. It is believed that aromatherapy can help patients operated Alzheimer memories of their past, and at least in this case, has a calming effect on the patient. As Flanagan reported seeing facial expressions changed from a mask-like smile was response enough to know that something was happening.

In another example of the effects of aromatherapy on Alzheimer’s patients, Dales occupational therapy services in Derbyshire, United Kingdom has used aromatherapy to improve the lives of those they care for. Essential oils that they find useful, pine, eucalyptus and peppermint. This call conversation and memory, and lavender and geranium seem to trigger thoughts of cooking

It has been suggested in many studies, especially those connected with the elderly, it is very important to allow patients -. When possible – to choose their fragrances. Experimenting with various oils is needed to find the “triggers” that less Alzheimer’s patients of their past.


What raindrop Therapy?


raindrop Therapy is soothing healing technique that uses pure Young Living Essential Oils. Raindrops Therapy combines aromatherapy, reflexology, massage and moist heat to create healing and purification with structural and electrical alignment of the body. The purpose of treatment is to complete relaxation, peace and well-being of the mental, physical and emotional body.

raindrop Therapy was created by Gary Young. Gary Young has studied is equipped and herbal medicine for over 20 years. He credits the creation raindrop treatment for Native American Lakotas, the Hunza people of the Himalayan Mountains, and the people of Inner Mongolia for inspiration. The philosophy behind raindrop Therapy is the use of certain antibiotics oils applied in a particular order massage and reflexology techniques will reduce inflammation in the body and destroy any virus presence. A warm compress is then applied to facilitate the absorption of oils and relax muscles. The oils penetrate soft tissue within 20 minutes. Sedation are incredibly relaxing. Even if the original theory behind raindrop therapy to cure spinal problems, changes can be incorporated into therapy to treat other conditions.

9 different Young Living Therapeutic grade essential oils are used in equipment with V -6 Mixing Oil and Ortho simple.

1. Valor – Mixtures of Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense and Spruce

2. Oregano

3. Thyme

4. Basil

5. Cypress

6. Winter Green

7. Marjoram

8. Peppermint

9. Aroma Siezi – Mixtures of Basil, cypress, marjoram and lavender

the health benefits raindrop Therapy

1. Pain Relief: In a study published in the August 2000 release of Journal American Academy of Nurses, 60 patients Fibromyalgia was investigated. Aromatherapy, heat and massage were rated effective.

2. Reduction of inflammation: Although some studies have suggested that many essential oils as a powerful anti-inflammatory agents. Thyme, Wintergreen and Peppermint are three anti-inflammatory oils used during the raindrop session. For example, Wintergreen essential oil contains large amounts of natural methyl salicylate that appears to inhibit inflammation.

3. Improvement of Circulation :. A 2004 Russian study tested 100 patients with known knowledge problems and found that rubbing the back of his neck caused a significant improvement in the cerebral circulation and functional status of the brain

4. Improvement of immune function: A large study published in 1995 at the University of Miami School of Medicine evaluated the effects of massage on HIV positive men, and concluded that massage was associated with improvements in several measures of immune desired cytotoxic capacity

5. Emissions suppress negative emotions: Bessel A. Van Der Kolk, MD from Harvard Medical School noted that severe emotional stress can cause subconscious neuroses that are actually physioneurosis, stored in the amygdala. Inhalation of essential oils can help activate and release the subconscious emotional stress.

Benefits drop Technique can help improve all aspects of health for a better quality of life, physically, mentally and emotionally. A variety of chronic pain issues can be relieved by a single raindrop therapy treatment.


Aroma Therapy – The Best way to relax the muscles


Aroma Therapy is one of the terms is catching up with the fast pace of product field. With many side effects to discover the drugs that we have been eating for years has been a paradigm shift. People now have more faith in the concepts like aroma therapy than any other way of healing pain. This treatment dates its origins in very ancient times. It was a very popular practice by the ancient Egyptians and Romans. This treatment has been put to various uses of the role of beauty enhancer for stress relief, it does it all.

The aroma therapy is done in three ways and it is very important to choose the right one. This treatment can be enjoyed with the help of aromatherapy diffuser, aromatherapy oils or aromatherapy massage. All three processes have different procedures and hence different results. Aromatherapy oils can be used to massage and bath. Soaked body yourself in such a bath gives a very relaxing feeling both physically and mentally. The aromatherapy diffuser uses diffusers either electric or non-electric scattered distinctive aroma in the air and this air we breathe is magic in our bodies. The last option of aromatherapy massage is best incase one has severe muscular stress or pain.

The aroma therapy is a very good way to relax ones muscles. If stress is not very serious it can be cured simply by means of a bath and aroma therapy special oils. If muscles are in great stress, can relax with aromatherapy massages. Such massage can also help cure many other problems such as cardiovascular problems and immune system. Before getting massage done to ensure that you get it done by a specialist only one that can do more harm than good. Rub person is a highly technical job and is not as easy as it seems.

The basic and useful massage techniques is Effleurage. In this method, a massage provides a smooth and gentle strokes on the body. In this way, used oils penetrate the body very easily and relax the muscles which they are applied. These strokes are also very specific in nature. There are long shots, short, or simply a company or gentle ones. Hands Effleurage held very firm. Another important way give massages Petrissage. This is very helpful in relaxing the muscles. There is a small force applied by the thumb while giving a massage. The main functions as kneading flour.

The massage to make also depends on the body part that needs it. There are many muscles in our body so that there are different types of muscle pain as well. The most common things that is in trouble most of the time is the neck. Langa sitting in front of computers, clerical work or any type of work tend to strain the muscles of the neck. For neck massage and it is recommended that one should give a massage in small circular movements with firm hands. The massage should start from just below his neck go out to each of the vertebrae.

Another very sensitive part of the shoulder. For giving a massage to assume one can use either Petrissage or Effleurage. The massage should start from the shoulders going into the neck and then go back. The above methods can be used for back massages as well. One should keep in mind is to never give a massage of the vertebrae.

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Aromatherapy formulas for children with alopecia areata


Aromatherapy is becoming well-known and popular treatment for alopecia areata. Because alopecia areata is most common in children, must ask whether these therapies are safe for children. With current treatments produce undesirable side effects and mediocre results, parents looking for an alternative might be tempted to buy or make the necessary oil treatment for hair loss of the child.

One of the most famous formulas from a study conducted by dermatologists in Scotland. The results were impressive, making aromatherapy to be a safe and effective treatment for alopecia areata. This particular recipe uses essential oils of Cedar Wood, rosemary, lavender and thyme in a solution of grapeseed oil and jojoba.

While lavender oil is safe in small amounts, even for very young children, cedar, rosemary and thyme are not recommended for children under a certain age. Certain chemo-types and varieties of thyme should be avoided completely. As the child progresses in age and size more essential oils can be used safely.

Roman chamomile and lavender oil are generally safe choice for very young children (ages 2 and up). These oils are highly valued for the scalp and hair care. They also have the ability to produce a calming, relaxing effect that can help children deal with the emotional aspects of hair loss. As the child grows check more essential oil is safe to use. Finally oils such as rosemary, geranium, marjoram, frankincense, cypress and rosemary can be incorporated in the formulas as long as they are in the proper dilution.

Another consideration is how powerful recipe child should be. Essential oils must be diluted in a carrier oil before they can be applied to the scalp. The younger the child, the more highly diluted essential oils will be. Choosing the right base oil is also important. Hazelnut or Sweet Almond oil are safe and gentle for small children, unless they have a peanut allergy. In cases of peanut allergies, olive oil can be used.

Extreme care must be taken when essential oils on children. There is no such thing as a general one-size-fits-all formula, especially when it comes to children. Safe effective scalp formulas for children can be achieved by using the right oil to the correct dilution ratio. Aromatherapy can provide safe and effective treatment for children with alopecia areata as long as it is used responsibly and all safety guidelines are followed. A qualified aromatherapist can help to create a safe, effective, age-appropriate formula.

Improved hair growth is not the only benefit of aromatherapy scalp massage. Putting aside time to massage the scalp of a child with alopecia areata can create a wonderful bonding experience for both child and parent. Sedation is therapeutic for both child and parent. As a parent gently massage aromatic oils in the scalp of the child, a safe, nurturing environment is created. Because odor association and memory are closely linked, the smell of essential oils can strengthen the relationship between child and parent for many years to come.


Aromatherapy and the importance of Smell


To create a mood, creating odors. It started with aerosol sprays, moved to fragrant dried flowers and colored wood chips, then more sophisticated freeze-dried flowers, fruits, nuts and berries. Now consumers and aroma therapists have discovered essential oils. Essential oils are derived from aromatic plants.

In aromatherapy, inhaling essential oils is the most popular method of use compared with oral and topical. Because of the three methods of application, inhalation, the most rapid effect.

When we breathe through the nose, the components within the essential oils binds to receptors in the olfactory bulb. The scent molecules affect our brain, especially the limbic system where memory and smell are said to live. Limbic system is also referred to as the emotional brain. Likewise, molecules inhaled through the nose or mouth are also made to the lungs and interact with the respiratory system.

Oils may be diffused in the air in many ways. Many enthusiasts prefer aromatherapy electric aromatherapy diffuser. This method puts fragrance in the air with no heat, which is the best for oil. You get the best scent and keep more of the properties.

If you are not willing to invest in a diffuser, try potpourri or simmer a pot to start out your experiments with essential oils. To optimize the distribution of the aroma, placing ten drops of oil in water. You can also buy copper or porcelain candle rings that you fill with oil and put on a light bulb. Heating bulb releases the scent.

You can also try the dry evaporation. Use a cotton ball or tissue, put a few drops of essential oils that evaporate. Another way is to spray essential oils into the air deodorizer or air freshener. In a spray bottle, add a few drops of essential oil to the water and mix well

The following are some important uses for aromatherapy essential oils :.

o Prepare aqueous peppermint oil to stimulate alertness. Aqueous citrus oil can enhance the immune system.

o Do you have a big test or presentation imminent? Put a few drops of rosemary or basil in a diffuser or lamp ring. These oils are good for your focus, concentration and memory.

o If you have visitors, use spices or cooking oils, which stimulate appetite and aid digestion. Lavender, cardamom, cumin and Spearmint is a good choice.

o To prevent visitors getting too relaxed after dinner, rosemary and basil stimulate and provoke conversation.

o Evergreen oils such as fir, pine and spruce or citrus oils like orange and grape fruits are pleasing and uplifting. You can even throw in a little lavender to make them soothing.

o Citrus oils, as well as lavender and marjoram, calm crabby children or stressed out adults. Just put a drop on the pillow or handkerchief and let the smell wash away the trauma of the day.

o If you want to create a seductive atmosphere, the subtle scent of sandalwood can send the senses spinning. This erotic fragrance wafting through the boudoir or bath conjures up images of “1000 Arabian Nights.”

o Got a cold or sinus problems? Eucalyptus finds stuffiest of the nose and creates welcome airways. The smell of eucalyptus can also enhance creativity.

o Oils are perfect for preventing illness and are great additions to the cleaning solutions. Oil of oregano has 28 times more disinfection and phenol, which is a common ingredient in household cleaners.

o pre-sleep relaxation, mix lavender with ylang ylang, rose, jasmine or marjoram essential oils for deep relaxing sleep.

o Geranium compensates very well with lavender, which means with chamomile, which is known for its soothing properties.

But contrary to many people’s belief, aromatherapy is not just about smell something. Aromatherapy is defined as the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Doctors only choose the method of application as clinically appropriate as is, inhalation for respiratory tract infections or psychological effects; intake for intestinal complaints; topical burns, skin and muscle disease.


Using Aromatherapy to soothe Effects autism


Autism is a neurological disease state with a number of recognized characteristics. The main is social anxiety. Without guided support School and social activities can be difficult for those who suffer from autism.

Autistic children and adults are also known to have skills more advanced than the mainstream kids. Some autistic children can play such instruments as professionals. Other mathematical geniuses.

To stabilize and control the mood and perception, drugs are sometimes used.

Autistic children and adults may tend to show hyperactive behavior when faced with certain smells or colors. Other environmental factors can cause side effects and no known reason. I used to work with a young autistic man who had severe hyperactive swings every time he came out of his house. It was discovered at about 6 weeks he did not like the color Letterbox which had been set up about a week before hyperactivity began. Rather than remove the letterbox or change the color to be introduced color into more of his “fun times” and fear letterbox disappeared.

Therapeutic Aromatherapy and autism

Aromatherapy can have some benefits for the autistic individual. Aromatherapy can be used as an aid to soothing and relaxing. It may also contribute to greater self-esteem. Autistic children can benefit from a neck and shoulder massage organic massage oil base with Lavender which may provide a calming effect and cause a quieter environment to aid sleep.

Cedar Wood Essential Oil can invigorate and inspire your senses and relax your body at the same time. Cedar Wood can in social interaction and stabilize mood swings throughout the day.

Clinical Aromatherapy and autism

Autistic children can act hyper Actively when faced with certain fragrances, perfumes or flavors. Aromatherapy can be a useful program that can introduce fragrances environment autistic child build up over time to privacy fears smell.

Essential oils may be presented in burners, massage oils, house cleaning and cooking conditions. A drop of oil could also be placed on a cotton wool ball and put under the pillow at night. Other scents can be introduced in a manner similar to essential oils.

Essential oils can be toxic if used at full strength. The smallest amount of essential oil goes a long way.

Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of health problems and for cleansing and relaxation. There is the potential for many positive use of aromatherapy and essential oils in the treatment of the symptoms of autism.


Talk to your doctor or therapist before choosing Aromatherapy for your autistic child. Essential oils have many benefits and can aid in prevention or healing of many complaints. Every person is different. Some essential oils can be toxic. Some oils should never be ingested while others require limited exposure to the sun due to phototoxicity test. Read the label and ask the retailer if you are unsure about the safest use of certain oil. Not just the one in this article.


Aromatherapy for hair loss – How it works


Aromatherapy for female hair loss is becoming increasingly popular treatment. After hearing success stories, many women who were once skeptical are gradually becoming intrigued. Using fragrant plant oils to grow hair and reduce hair loss may seem like a far-fetched idea where you learn how it works.

It makes more sense when you understand the treatment effect from the unique composition of each individual essential oils – not simply of fragrance.

To promote hair growth, are aromatherapy formulas rub into the scalp. Because the molecules of essential oils are very low because they are lipophilic, they are almost immediately absorbed into the skin and hair follicles.

The best known benefits of essential oils is the ability to increase traffic. Scalp be limbs is one of the hardest places for blood to circulate to. Hair follicles get nutrients through the blood supply. If traffic is poor, malnourished follicle root will suffer and the hair will not grow to the full and her hair loss is likely to occur.

foundation for healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp. Essential oils cleanse the scalp excess oil called sebum that is a common cause of hair loss. If not thoroughly cleaned this excess oil changes in wax, clogging the follicle and create obstacles for new hair to get. If your hair is a failure to push through the wax it will be weak and frail not likely to survive. Essential oils also cleans the scalp of dead skin cells and environmental pollution.

essential oils carry oxygen to the roots of our hair and every cell in our body. This increased oxygen helps to revitalize cells within our scalp, the skin and the whole system. Essential oils are known to have cellular regenerative properties, have the unique ability to penetrate layers of the skin all the way down to the skin layer where cells are formed.

Essential oils are very consistent with our skin and hair. They bind keratin (which is what the hair and nail from) and they have a unique ability to penetrate the cuticle and the cortex layer of the hair. Because of this ability, essential oils are one of the few products that can actually facilitate the hair repair.

antibacterial their antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties can help in many conditions the scalp that can prevent hair growth and contribute to hair loss.

The stimulating and healing effects essential oils have on hair follicles provides the unique ability to add most types of female hair loss. As long as the follicle is alive and intact (as in most cases of female hair loss) there is potential for regrowth.

While essential oils are very effective to increase hair growth and minimize hair loss, they are only part of the equation. Physical and mental health and well-being along with proper nutrition is equally important.


Animal Aromatherapy


PLEASE NOTE: olfaction process Animal friend is similar to humans, however, much more acute. Animals are SUPER sensitive smell!

Remember less is more with essential oils. Only a small amount is needed for the results. 1-3 drops of essential oil is equivalent to 1-4 cups of plant material. You must always dilute essential oils in carrier aloe vera, jojoba or coconut oil to the correct light skin application. Compressed also an effective method of using essential oils.

As animals have a very sensitive sense of smell disorders senses use them in a very small percentage of less than 1% to achieve the desired results. Some general uses are: pet washing, grooming spray, fleas and ticks, anti-fungal, breath freshener, horseflies, stress and anxiety, muscle rub

use self selection of essential oils with creatures that means. to include them in the selection process of essential oils to use. Pay close attention and listen to how animals or pet responds to small amounts of essential oils first before you use it

anxiety, stress, grief and loss SUPPORT essential oils :.

Frankincense (Boswelia Feret) Keywords: COMFORTS, relieve distress.

Frankincense oil slows and deepens cellular respiration and has the characteristic effect of comforting and centering in times of distress. Use Frankincense to relieve the insecurity and anxiety. Soothing and revitalizing its influence makes Frankincense especially useful for treating post-traumatic stress syndrome

PLEASE NOTE: .. Frankincense essential oil is most highly recommended for emotional support and to relieve grief after the loss of your animal

LAVENDER (Lavendula angustifolia) Keyword: soothes, calms, relaxes.

Apply Lavender pure essential oils immediately burns to prevent blistering and scarring, as well as speed healing of wounds as it stimulates cellular repair and regeneration. Lavender oil has been used to help balance mood and calm emotions. Useful for calming anxious feelings of nervousness, stress, depression, fear and unrest

Neroli (Citrus aurantium) Keywords :. PEACE and soothing.

Neroli resonates with the open nature of the energy your heart and serves to lift and inspire. Subtle vibration it can produce immediate results in any stressful situations

antifungals, ANTI-sepsis, immune stimulant, insect repellent essential oils :.

essential oils with strong medicinal smell like Tea Tree are right to treat fungal issues like horse hooves fungal infection. The horse can not as strong aroma, however, to use it to your horse to treat thrush or fungal matter with hooves is far enough away from his nose so that the aroma is usually not a problem. Dilute essential oils in aloe vera that the method of application of hoof fungus

TEA TREE (Melaleuca alternifolia) Keywords :. Powerful antiseptic, antifungal

Tea Tree essential oils are the undisputed popular reputation for being the first choice of essential oils in the treatment of fungal and bacterial infections and known to cure all treatment for many chronic and acute bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. Use tea tree antiseptic and eliminate fungal mix of Lavender and Thyme to increase your success! An immunostimulatory! Oil Tea Tree promotes and strengthens the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells

patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) Keywords :. Antifungal, ANTI-septic, insect repellent
patchouli oil to make it effective mosquito and insect repellent, as well as useful to treat fungal infections

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Keywords :. Powerful immune system stimulant, antimicrobial

powerful immune stimulant and one of the most powerful anti-microbial Thyme nature burning energy essential oils gives it a distinctive ability to support and protect the immune system unparalleled by other aromatic oils. Doing particularly powerful anti-bacterial agent thyme oil to disinfect will spend Staphylococcus bacteria even when diluted 1,000 times

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) Keywords :! Antifungal, astringent, insect repellent.

powerful astringent use Lemongrass control excess oily skin, hair and scalp conditions. Recent studies show that Lemongrass oil has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. The vasodilatory, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties help relieve muscle spasms and promote regeneration and healing of soft tissue. Strong anti-fungal properties that makes Lemongrass good to treat a variety of fungal infections. A natural insect repellent Lemongrass oil makes a powerful mosquito and insect repellent, and is useful for preventing and eliminating fleas and ticks from your dog

to treat injuries and to relieve aches and pains :.

SWEET Marjoram (Origanum marjorana) Keywords: anti-spasmodic, analgesic. A stimulating oil antispasmodic properties makes Sweet Marjoram success muscle massage oil, or try it in gauze to treat muscle strain and sprains and relieve stiffness

words about cats :. Remember to take special care when all the essential oil of the cat. They simply can not break the way dogs, horses and humans do. When diffusing oils for personal use, very sure that your cat can exit the room if he / she chooses. Hydrosols, floral water, on the other hand, are safe and gentle for feline our friends.

Aromatherapy is Nature’s Medicine in its purest and most essential form. Aromatic Oils are the very soul of the plant. Even drop or two can produce significant results. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to improve health and animal welfare, and can produce very satisfying results other methods have failed. Contact your veterinarian regarding serious health concerns and do not try to analyze.


Aroma ‘Therapy “Black Death


From medieval times until the mid-1800s, it was generally believed that diseases were caused by corruption and spread through the air or “miasma”. This attitude probably a result of a foul odor associated with illness and lack of hygiene, common at the time. When it came to prevention or treatment of such conditions, the lack of knowledge of modern science or medicine meant that people had only the faith and customs of their ancestors to rely on. While some of these mainly herbal remedies have been since been successful (eg wormwood for stomach complaints and lungwort for respiratory problems), most were totally ineffective when the Black Death swept across Europe in the 1300s.

The most common form of the Black Death, the bubonic plague, characterized by the appearance of black-colored buboes in the groin, neck and armpits, which oozed pus and blood, with fever, headache, pain, joint pain, nausea and vomiting. It was highly contagious and usually fatal. The Black Death was generally feared – it spread ferociously fast, and death may occur within a few hours of onset of symptoms. Between the 14th and 17th centuries, Europe has been a series of attacks from the plague, and the consequences were enormous. Between 1348 and 1350 alone, Black Death is estimated to have killed between one-and two-thirds of the population of Europe

The plague was associated with characteristic stink -. Huge number of victims, together with rapid and high mortality associated with plague would have given rise to an unusually strong stench. This reinforced in most people’s minds the idea that the disease was carried in contaminated air. Among the more obvious measures that were proposed because they were based on the aroma – the objective was to counter the bad air with sweet-smelling substances were thought to have the power to defeat the malicious evil smell. Herbs and spices were popular, but usually something that smelt good was useful

Those who could afford it burned a selection of aromatic herbs -. Like rosemary, juniper, laurel, pine and beech – in their houses, to help ward off bad smells and purify the air. Camphor and sulfur were also found to be effective. Sweet-smelling herbs such as lavender, sage, thyme, meadowsweet and winter savory, were dried and strewn on the floor, sewn in cloth bags or go as posies. Cloths soaked with aromatic oils such as camphor, rosemary or laurel, which were used to cover the face when going out was more expensive option. Vinegar was also considered to be an effective deterrent.

Even wealthy people could afford pomanders. This consisted of a pierced metal cases containing resin or wax embedded with numerous expensive aromatic spices, including nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves. Think nose, piercing the casing made odor to escape, so (supposedly) to offer the owner protection against air-borne plague. The attraction of aromatic spices, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, are perhaps obvious, but ambergris, a waxy secretion intestine sperm whale, was also used in pomanders. Unlikely as it may seem, ambergris has a pleasant sweet aroma and is still used today by the perfume industry. Only the very rich could afford to carry Ambra pomanders, and this was considered to be robust against plague and other pomanders

In Elizabethan times are reports of many “cure” for the plague :. Here are two of them based on herbal …

“Take yarrow, tansy, featherfew, each a handful, and bruise them well, then let the sick body repair water in plants, then strain it and give it to the sick to drink.” (The faith to drink their own urine website is a panacea for all ills is relatively common even today.)

Take of sage, rue, Briar leaves, older leaves, each a handful, stamp them and expand them with quart of white wine, and put it a little ginger, and good pace of the best syrup and drink there morning and evening.

Although the resources available at the time were totally ineffective in treating people who developed the plague there is the possibility that some may, strangely enough, have actually been of some help in preventing the spread of the plague. Wormwood, rosemary, feverfew and tansy, especially in today known flea-scare their properties (indeed wormwood was used as a flea deterrent during the plague years) – and fleas and rats made then are now widely believed to have been carrying out and spread this devastating disease.


